November 3, 2008

Nothing ventured, nothing gained!!!

As October came to an end, we can all take a collective sigh of relief. The worst month in the stock market’s history, probably the most intense month of presidential campaigning coupled with avalanche of negative news is now behind us. At a minimum it has caused all of us anxiety and in most it has caused us to question the future.

Although no one has a crystal ball it is becoming more evident that our market will continue to be challenging well into next year. With that being said, what shall we do to survive and even thrive in today’s market? Obviously we can not rely on the passive activities of the boom markets.

We must now become active prospectors. We must make prospecting an every day activity that is our number one priority. You know math does not lie. Those who actively prospect several hours a day simply will make more money. As an example, if you would contact 20 people a day five days a week that would equate to over 400 possible leads a month.

If you contact over 400 people a month and ask them, “How can I help you or who do know that I can help?” can we agree that you would create a rapid flow of leads. It really is that simple, committing to set aside one and half to two hours a day, five days a week could supply you the leads necessary to meet and even surpass your goals.

If it is so simple why as an industry do we struggle to generate leads? I think most of us got into real estate because in at least in part we wanted the freedom and flexibility. Many came from previous jobs that were vey structured and we wanted to make our own schedules and set our priorities. That is the challenge. In today’s market we must make the daily commitment to prospecting.

I suggest that you make it simple and non-complicated. If you were to start by setting aside one hour a day and call all of your contacts and just share facts about the market you would begin to develop the habit of prospecting. But more importantly you would be planting seeds for future business.
And the best part is that everybody is interested in the real estate market due to the challenges the financial markets are facing.

So begin today and soon you will be struggling to handle all of your leads